Unity and Humility

In my 28 years of serving in the body of Christ I’ve heard a lot of talk about the need for unity amongst the Churches.  But what many of us have discovered is that very often every leader’s vision for unity has them and their ministry leading at the forefront at the expense of every other ministry in the area.

Could it be that the reason biblically and theologically sound Churches do not have the kind of unity we read about amongst the cities and networks that made up the early New Testament Church, is not because of a rebellious attitude amongst Church goers, but rather because when it comes to humility and submission to the will of Jesus Christ and the direction of the Holy Spirit, the leaders aren’t leading like New (and  Old) Testament leaders?

If we look at the scriptures and church history, we can see that God has been, and is always, looking for servant-leaders, both young and old, with that kind of humility.  Specifically, the kind of humility demonstrated by John the Baptist who would not let any insecurities get in the way of his great and influential ministry decreasing so that Jesus’ ministry could increase.  It’s the kind of humility demonstrated by the Apostle Paul who considered his life nothing, but whose only aim was to finish the task the Lord Jesus Christ gave him, no matter what it cost him personally.

Many of us, myself included, have faithfully preached the Word of God, including the need for humility and unity, to the “flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you (and us) overseers.” But I believe the time is coming where we will be called upon to demonstrate it in order to see the results we read about in the New Testament Church. Are we ready?

We all want the unity described in Psalm 133, but are we willing to pay whatever price the Holy Spirit might ask us to pay in order to get it?  I offer all this for our prayerful consideration.

Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.”  – Mark 9:35 (NIV)

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