10 Things I’m Grateful for in 2016

thanksgivingThere are at least 10 things I’m grateful for in 2016:

  1. I’m thankful to God for blessing me with a wife who is beautiful inside and out.
  2. I’m thankful to God for surrounding me with a family who loves me when I’m at my best and my worst.
  3. I’m thankful to God for my Church family, godly men and women who love the Lord and love people.
  4. I’m thankful to God for completely healing me of cancer.
  5. I’m thankful to God for His manifest presence in my life. I’m thankful for His faith, peace, joy, provision, and protection, and for sustaining me and my family throughout all our years, especially through the difficult and challenging seasons of our lives.
  6. I’m thankful to God for His mercy and His grace, which is His undeserved love and favor.
  7. I’m thankful to God for Jesus Christ, who is my righteousness and life, which includes His divine power and enablement to walk in love.
  8. I’m thankful to God that I was born in the United States, where I am still free to tell others of the Good News about Jesus without having to fear for my life or safety.
  9. I’m thankful to God for revealing and reminding me that even though mankind’s choices bring consequences, His Kingdom and His sovereignty are never undermined by our free will.
  10. I’m thankful to God for His giving me vision, purpose, and the grace to fulfill them.

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